IDE Corp. is proud to announce that this week they will be presenting and exhibiting at two major education conferences in New Jersey.

Tiffany Moutis, Superintendent of the Mansfield Township School District, will be presenting with Gina Vodola, Client Solutions Specialist at IDE, at the FEA/NJASA/NJASCD Fall Conference in Long Branch, NJ, on Thursday, October 17. Their topic will be SEL and executive function.
The SEL-Executive Function Connection in Action
Tiffany Moutis, Superintendent, Mansfield Township
Gina Vodola, Client Solutions Specialist, IDE Corp.
Thursday, October 17
3:15 pm - 4:30 pm
Promenade 7 and 8

Starting October 21 in Atlantic City, NJ, IDE will be presenting and exhibiting at NJSBA Workshop 2019. Tiffany Moutis and Gina Vodola will be presenting again, this time on the topic of leadership and student-driven learning. Dr. Nancy Sulla, President of IDE, and Tanya Bosco, Executive VP of IDE, will be presenting on leadership and blended learning environments.
NJSBA Workshop 2019:
10 Mindsets of Leadership
Nancy Sulla, President, IDE Corp.
Tanya Bosco, Executive Vice President, IDE Corp.
Tuesday, October 22
9:30 AM - 10:30 AM
Room 410
Leading Change: Facilitating the Move to Student-Driven Learning
Tiffany Moutis, Superintendent, Mansfield Township
Gina Vodola, Client Solutions Specialist, IDE Corp.
Wednesday, October 23
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Room 405/406
Designing Blended Learning Environments
Nancy Sulla, President, IDE Corp.
Tanya Bosco, Executive Vice President, IDE Corp.
Wednesday, October 23
1:30 PM - 2:30 PM
Room 318
Please stop by booth 601 at NJSBA Workshop 2019 before or after the presentations to learn more!

Founded by Dr. Nancy Sulla, IDE Corp. offers a comprehensive instructional model that is the synthesis of the best research available on student achievement. IDE consultants work with school districts around the country to help them shift paradigms and design new approaches to instruction. IDE Corp. has been providing instructional and organizational consulting to schools since 1987.