Dr. Nancy Sulla, author of the new book Reinventing the Classroom Experience: Learning Anywhere, Anytime, will share insights and strategies to combat learning loss and promote learning acceleration despite pandemic-related shutdowns and learning interruptions. Dr. Sulla’s session, “Learning Loss to Academic Resilience: Student Achievement During a Pandemic,” is taking place 10:00 AM Thursday, May 13 at the NJSBA Virtual Spring Education Symposium.
Dr. Sulla discusses how the unprecedented breaks in learning and variety of new platforms used for instruction have resulted in educational gaps for many students, although not all have suffered in the same subject areas. She explains how addressing student needs to obtain academic resilience will require specialization to ensure that every student experiences learning back to grade level in an engaging environment.
Founded by Dr. Nancy Sulla, IDE Corp. offers a comprehensive instructional model that is the synthesis of the best research available on student achievement. IDE consultants work with school districts around the country to help them shift paradigms and design new approaches to instruction. IDE Corp. has been providing instructional and organizational consulting to schools since 1987. For more information, visit www.idecorp.com.
The New Jersey School Boards Association is a federation of the state’s local boards of education and includes the majority of New Jersey’s charter schools as associate members. NJSBA provides training, advocacy, and support to advance public education and promote the achievement of all students through effective governance. For more information, visit https://www.njsba.org.