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Clarkstown, NY Superintendent of Schools Shares His LATI Classroom Workshop Expe...

Mr. Martin D. Cox, superintendent of Clarkstown Central School District attended the first day of an IDE Corp. Learner-Active, Technology-Infused Classroom workshop for teachers.  Mr. Cox shared his experience in his blog on the district website. TR Rathjen, Instructional Strategies Specialist, launched the day in the Felix Festa Middle School library, the first of six sessions, with a […]

The Sounds of Engagement

revised 11/26/23 What does engagement sound like? Allowing students to have a say in their work is not enough to build engagement. Adam Fletcher writes a great blog on engagement, including this entry:  voice and engagement are not the same. In the Learner-Active, Technology-Infused Classroom (described in my books, Students Taking Charge), engagement refers to […]

Rethinking Success: Engagement, Empowerment, & Efficacy

Like it or not, to most schools, achievement means strong performance on state tests. Some claim to value life preparation and social-emotional growth over test scores, but that never plays well in the annual newspaper articles. What if you could have it all? What if you could rethink success and have happy, healthy, excited students […]