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Students Can Change the World While Mastering Standards

I recently heard a comment that children make up 30% of the world and 100% of our future. I love that! How can we position students to change the world while ensuring we are giving them the foundational skills detailed in the standards? The key is in the “flipped triangle:” While it may seem like […]

Addressing Student Behavior Through Facilitation

I’m pleased to share this perspective on a more productive way to address student behavior by guest blogger Shané Beauford, Coordinator of Systems Thinking at IDE Corp. Student behavior is a hot topic in schools, with some schools moving to programs that depend on extrinsic rewards to prompt positive behaviors. Often, when addressing student behavioral […]

The SEL-EF Connection

We know from research that social and emotional learning (SEL — supports academic achievement and better life outcomes for students. So it’s critical that schools build practices into the day that support the advancement of SEL. As you walk through the SEL competencies, you’ll find that there are some “foundational” skills students need: In […]

The Bronxville School Shares New Video Highlighting Work with IDE Corp.

The Bronxville School in Bronxville, NY, has shared a new YouTube video highlighting the district’s work with IDE Corp. and the Learner-Active, Technology-Infused Classroom. “We are very pleased that we were able to bring in IDE — Innovative Designs for Education to the Bronxville School,” said district Superintendent Dr. Roy Montesano. “We feel the IDE […]

What Do Equity and Efficacy Have in Common in the Classroom?

The equity conversation needs to occur at all levels of education: from Federal to state to district to school to classroom. For the purpose of this blogpost, I’d like to look into the classroom. How do we ensure that all students have access to the opportunities and resources they need to succeed at high levels? […]