by guest blogger, Dr. Carrie L. Gentner, Coordinator of Digital Content, IDE Corp. As a working mom, I empathize with parents trying to come to terms with the challenges our children will face this school year. My children’s school district decided to begin the year with remote learning for all students. Social media was soon […]
Blog Posts
The Equity Series: Why Representation Matters
by guest blogger, Shané Beauford – Director of Educational Equity, IDE Corp. Who is reflected when you skim the walls and displays in your classroom? What stories are reflected when you scan the texts, articles, and pictures in your collection of resources? Is it a singular voice or a diversity of perspectives? When you see […]
Five Types of Videos Teachers Can Use to Enhance Learning!
What is one of the big challenges of students working remotely? Access to the teacher’s high-quality instruction and guidance. What is one of the ways students engage with information in their world today? Video! Simply put, teachers need to “clone themselves” so that students have access to their voice, expertise, knowledge, and wisdom so they […]
School = Socialization
Let’s face it, school provides students with two invaluable benefits: academic growth and socialization. With students thrust into learning from home in spring 2020, both of those expected outcomes of school suffered. Now we have to face a new reality. On the days when students are in school: Teachers expect to “teach” their students all […]
Hybrid Learning Environments: The Instructional Trajectory
The shift to hybrid learning environments brings with it some different responsibilities for teachers. Whereas when all the students are in the room, you can “swoop in” to clarify or redirect, you can “go with the flow” and adjust your plans on the spot, and you don’t have to anticipate as much as react . […]