You present a great lesson; you have great instructional materials for your students; you offer an assignment to assess their mastery of the content … your students perform well! Yay! Learning has taken place! Now what? Typically, you move on to the next lesson or unit of study. It’s great that the students “learned” the […]
Blog Posts
Creating a Culture of Professional Learning: 3 Key Elements
The pandemic brought about a change in how educators view professional learning. In times of uncertainty and instability, which is the current reality in schools due to COVID, the answer is to be agile — shifting approaches to meet current needs. That includes revamping your approach to professional learning! As IDE Corp. consultant MaryAnne Choma […]
Learning Acceleration: What Does It Take?
The most important point to remember is that teaching is not learning, and teaching does not necessarily produce learning. The mistake most schools make when attempting to increase student achievement is to teach more and better lessons. Lessons may not actually be the key to learning . . . and especially not whole-class lessons that […]
Opportunity and Access in Your Learning Environment
Guest blogger Shané Beauford, Director of Educational Equity at IDE Corp, shares her perspective on the importance of the opportunity-access connection in all classrooms. Opportunity and access are two of IDE Corp.’s 7 Lenses of Instructional Equity. These two lenses generally represent what has been afforded to an individual by others or by a system or […]
From “Teacher-Dependent” to “Student-Dependent” Learning
Learning in schools is “teacher-dependent” with the core element being the “lesson.” In March of 2020, when students and teachers shifted to remote instruction, the “teacher-dependent” approach failed us. Schools are talking about learning losses; students weren’t logging in to join lessons; primary teachers were trying to help students stay focused; teachers, students, and parents […]