As Henry Ford said in 1909: “Any customer can have a car painted any color that he wants so long as it is black.” Remember older movies where all of the cars were black? When I was growing up in the fifties and sixties, there was pretty much one grocery store in town, the local […]
Blog Posts
Focus 2020: Encourage Students to “Make It” and “Solve It”
This post is third in a series of six to get ready for the new year. . . . The year 2020 reminds me of perfect vision! 2019 was a year of many initiatives, goals, and needs; it’s time to put everything in focus. Here are the links if you missed the first or second […]
Focus 2020: Engagement First; Achievement Will Follow
This post is second in a series of six to get ready for the new year. . . . The year 2020 reminds me of perfect vision! 2019 was a year of many initiatives, goals, and needs; it’s time to put everything in focus. If you missed the first post, click here! Yes, you have […]
Focus 2020: Executive Function Fuels Goal Achievement
The year 2020 reminds me of perfect vision! 2019 was a year of many initiatives, goals, and needs; it’s time to put everything in focus. This post is one in a series of six to get ready for the new year. . . . Higher test scores, social and emotional learning, equity-driven classrooms, personalized learning, […]
Technology as a Catalyst, Lever, and Megaphone
My relationship with technology began in the seventies, when I left teaching to pursue a career in computer science. Armed with a lot of tech skills, I returned to the world of education and was struck by how computers were being introduced in schools. Rather than being woven into the fabric of classroom instruction, they […]