Some points I’d like to make: I could go on but suffice to say that everything schools are striving for can be accomplished through authentic curricula that engages and empowers students toward efficacy — that ability to tackle any problem or challenge with success! What It Looks Like: 1 – A collection of PBL tasks […]
Understanding Blended Learning
Consider the following three examples . . . A teacher introduces a topic to the entire class. After the lesson, students engage in a variety of activities to explore the topic further: an online simulation; an online search for information; a small-group meeting to discuss the topic; or a live, in-depth lesson from the teacher. […]
Teacher Retention: Challenge and Innovation
Schools, districts, and parents are being dealt a wake-up call that, if not heeded, will result in a disastrous lack of teachers in the near future (it’s already happening in some locations). In-service teachers are leaving the profession, and fewer students want to enter it. “Few professions have been more upended by the pandemic than […]
Tips and Tools for Teaching Remote (and In-class) Students
COVID outbreaks are once again causing some schools to pivot to remote instruction, but this time the educational world should be able to confidently say, “We got this!” So I thought I’d share some of the tips and tools from my consulting experiences and my book Reinventing the Classroom Experience: Learning Anywhere, Anytime, written during […]
It’s All About Retention of Learning
You present a great lesson; you have great instructional materials for your students; you offer an assignment to assess their mastery of the content … your students perform well! Yay! Learning has taken place! Now what? Typically, you move on to the next lesson or unit of study. It’s great that the students “learned” the […]