As you move to a more student-centered learning environment, the role of teacher as facilitator becomes critically important. If you honor the reality that not all students are ready to learn the same content at the same time in the same way, you have to vacate the front of the room and get elbow-deep […]
Are You Teaching Three-Dimensional Reading and Writing?
If we do not teach three-dimensional reading and writing in schools, we are cheating our students out of learning critical twenty-first-century skills. Throughout much of history, written language has been two-dimensional: across and down a page. Fundamentally, that has been due to the physical nature of putting thoughts onto cave walls, clay tablets, papyrus scrolls, and […]
Greetings from ASCD 2016
At ASCD 2016 in Atlanta, Georgia, people are talking about: We’re enjoying the many great conversations with old friends and new. Pedro Noguera: “How do we teach teachers to make their classrooms come to life?” “Good teaching takes art and skill.” “Equity is the issue of our times.” Carol Dweck: “Growth mindset isn’t just […]
The Many Faces of Problem-Based Learning
At its core, problem-based learning is an approach that offers students an authentic, open-ended, complex problem to solve, which requires applying curricular content. While there are many definitions of project- and problem-based learning, let me define them for the purpose of this blogpost. A “project” does not necessarily have to be open-ended; there is often […]
From Best Practices to Systems Practices
Albert Einstein is credited with saying, “I never teach my pupils; I only attempt to provide the conditions in which they learn.” This speaks of the shift from teacher as the purveyor of information to that of an architect of a complex environment in which students learn; a shift from “teacher as ferry” to “teacher […]