The pandemic started a domino effect of issues that are still affecting schools today. Principals must attend to so much, and there are so many urgent items nagging at them, that it is sometimes hard to focus on instructional leadership. As principals face the challenge of moving their schools forward, they must shift to empowering their teachers to implement a results-producing instructional program. Add to that, today’s teachers want to have some autonomy in designing powerful learning environments and to have their voices heard; so teacher retention depends upon empowerment!

At IDE Corp., when we design classrooms, we focus on putting students in charge of their own learning. The same applies to principals — it’s important to put teachers in charge of their own learning and plans of action toward common goals. The principal can then act as an instructional facilitator and not take on the responsibility for managing everyone’s actions in this area. Empowering students and teachers creates a culture of continual learning in a school
* EdQuiddity’s self-paced, online Professional Learning Experiences
The consultants at IDE Corp. have designed several self-paced, online Professional Learning Experiences (PLEs) to support principals in empowering teachers who will, in turn, empower students. They’re offered through our sister company, EdQuiddity Inc. They’re easy, inexpensive, and they provide powerful instructional modeling:
1. Enroll all teachers, administrators, supervisors, and teachers’ aides in the Reinventing the Classroom Experience PLE (two years’ access). This offers a collection of content-based modules that address many goals in schools today.

2. Use a faculty meeting to kick off its use and allow teachers to work through Module 1 to get set up. That includes reviewing a PLE task statement and rubric, and setting up their Efficacy Notebook!

3. Utilize the modules at faculty meetings:
- – Teachers explore a module in groups.
- – Teachers explore a module in advance and engage in design time at the meeting.
- – Teachers come to the meeting with materials they designed to share and offer feedback.
4. Utilize the modules in Professional Learning Communities (PLCs):
- – Teachers analyze student data in light of school/district goals and select a module topic.
- – Teachers explore the module, set goals for implementation, and design materials in their PLCs.
- – Teachers implement designed materials in their classrooms and gather data and/or student work.
- – Teachers share data and reflect on successes and challenges, returning to the module as needed.
5. Utilize the modules in the teacher observation process:
- – After a classroom observation, determine areas for improvement or innovation, based on the school’s teacher performance rubric.
- – Use a “crosswalk” document (provided by IDE Corp.) to determine which module(s) address the selected area and provide teachers with the reference.

6. Utilize the modules for PD Days:
- – Designated teachers, instructional coaches, supervisors, or administrators become familiar with one or more modules as the content for the day.
- – These PD leaders then facilitate teachers’ engagement with the modules, including leading discussions, gallery walks or other sharing moments, and insights-sharing.
7. Use the modules for continuing education hours:
- – Teachers can take end-of-module assessments and receive a certificate for PD hours to use at the school’s/district’s discretion.
Principals can now have the instructional-leadership content at their fingertips, allowing them to play that key role while dealing with all of the other issues facing them on a daily basis.
This particular PLE (Reinventing the Classroom Experience) is well-suited for providing broad support across a variety of critical topics. EdQuiddity Inc also provides other PLEs that take an in-depth look at topics, such as individualized learning, executive function & SEL, 7 lenses of equity, and PBL design and implementation. Many schools enroll their faculty in the first PLE and then add a topically focused PLE.
For more information and solutions for your school or district, reach out to Nik at solutions@idecorp.com.